- B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- abbreviations
- of subsystem names 29
- use of unapproved 130, 312
- aborts
- use of 302, 314
- Accept_User_Defined_Arithmetic_Operators switch 25
- acceptable report entries 18
- acceptable violations
- auto incorporation 26
- output directory 26
- Save As file format 19
- Accepted_Output_Directory switch 18, 26
- access objects
- no deallocation 309
- access types
- I/O restrictions 309
- missing length clause 301
- missing Storage_Pool clause 316
- access values
- subprogram 303, 309
- Ada 95
- conformance rule library 299
- locating incompatibilities 202
- obsolescent features 183
- Ada Analyzer
- command execution 2
- configuration of 21
- general overview iii
- main program 259
- online documentation 21
- test programs 84
- Ada constructs
- counting 93, 114
- locating 50, 271–278
- risky
- see error-prone constructs
- Ada Repair 333
- Add_Hypertable_Linkage switch 26
- Add_Performance_Summary switch 26
- Add_Unit_Column_Linkage switch 26
- address
- conversion to access 309
- use of type 68, 225
- address attributes
- of constants and dynamic objects 307
- address clauses
- use of 302, 315
- aggregates
- adding named association 337
- missing named association 310
- use of others choice 310
- aliased variables 116
- allocators
- locating 161
- missing Storage_Error handler 301, 308
- allowed_name_abbreviations file 35
- allowed_use_clauses file 35
- analysis methods
- code reviews 48
- coding standards validation 49
- online analysis 47
- project information generation 49
- analysis switches 1
- editing 30
- setting 25
- Analysis_Output_Directory switch 26
- analysis_switch_file 40
- annex_d_enforcement file 36
- annex_h_enforcement file 36
- annotation analysis
- configuration policy files 31
- annotation_collection_status file 117
- annotations
- locating 117
- approved_renames file 36
- architecture
- restructuring 338
- see also design structure, program structure, system structure
- ASCII file formats 19
- ASCII files
- creating from reports 241
- including explanation text 28
- Attempt_Analysis_Of_Uninstalled_Units switch 26
- attributes
- conflict with component names 308
- language defined 305
- authorization
- errors 11
- expiration 11
- Auto_Elide_Empty_Tables switch 26
- Auto_Incorporate_Accepted switch 18, 26
- Auto_Visit_Report switch 26
- background execution 8
- bits
- object size in 179
- blocks
- adding names 337
- Boolean options 2
- bounds analysis 205, 229
- browser file formats
- HTML 242
- bytes
- object size in 179
- call tree analysis 123
- calling relationships 121
- capacity limits
- utilizing Merge_Reports 237
- changes
- saving report modifications 17
- Check_Consistency 23, 85
- Check_For_Report_Overwrite switch 26
- Check_Reports_Up_To_Date 86
- Check_Units_For_Latest_Cmvc_Version switch 26
- class
- coupling 329
- class (OO) metrics 329
- Close operation 17
- closure
- call tree 97
- limiting operations 8
- listing to file 112
- of units parameter 8, 27
- unit withing 110, 112
- check version 26
- code correctness 63, 64
- Display_Set_Use_Problems 106
- Display_Subprogram_Execution_Problems 111
- divide by zero 130, 307
- Locate_Misspellings 172
- Locate_Objects_Set_And_Used 181
- Locate_Obsolescent_Ada83_Features 183
- Locate_Others_Clauses 189
- Locate_Potential_Programming_Errors 192
- Locate_Rep_Spec_Inconsistencies 202
- Locate_Static_Constraint_Violations 205
- Locate_System_Address_Usage 225
- misspellings 65
- representation spec consistency 67
- standards checking 307
- static constraint violations 67
- use before set 64
- use of System.Address 68
- see also consistency
- see also error-prone constructs
- code listings 49
- code reviews 48
- hard copy for 82
- code size reduction
- see software optimization
- coding standards
- acceptable violations 18
- Ada 95 Annex D restrictions 317
- Ada 95 Annex H restrictions 318
- locating violations 128, 201, 202
- locating violations interactively 130
- naming 70
- repairing violations 333
- SPARK subset restrictions 319
- validation 49, 69
- Collect_By_Compilation_Unit 34, 87
- Collect_By_Program_Unit 34, 87
- Collect_By_Subprogram_And_Task_Bodies 34, 87
- Collect_By_Subprogram_Body 34, 87
- Collect_Metrics 87
- Collect_Statistics 89
- collection size
- missing specification 313
- color
- changing backgrounds 265
- column-delimited file formats 20, 242
- command
- background execution 8
- execution 2, 83
- format of descriptions 83
- invocation menu 5
- log output 9
- command line 83
- options 2
- parser customization 260
- scripts 265
- summary 283
- comments
- annotations 117
- spelling in 58
- Compare_Metrics 91
- Compare_Reports 92
- compatibility
- checking rules 305
- configuration policy files 31
- customizing checks 252
- locating problems 133
- main programs 303
- rules enabling/disabling 32
- with target compiler 61
- compilation time
- see reducing compilation time
- compiler dependencies 79
- complexity
- analysis 59
- of expressions 315
- of subprograms 328
- see also software complexity
- Compute_Closure switch 8, 27
- Compute_Overload_Nicknames switch 27
- conditional entry calls
- use of 315
- configuration files
- analyzing software defined by 28
- Apex view configurations 3, 8
- configuration policy
- check consistency 23
- creating 7, 23, 24, 96
- currently active 25
- files 21
- locating current 240
- structure and content 21
- switches 25
- user-specific 23
- configuration policy files 30
- allowed_name_abbreviations 35
- allowed_use_clauses 35
- analysis_switch_file 40
- annex_d_enforcement 36
- annex_h_enforcement 36
- annotation_collection 31
- approved_renames 36
- command_table_explain_text 40
- compatibility 31
- declaration mapping 340
- development_libraries 31
- excluded_units 41
- expression_depth_limit 36
- FrameMaker 32
- HTML 32
- Interleaf 33
- known_pragmas 31
- listing_formats.html 32
- listing_formats.iaf 33
- listing_formats.mif 32
- listing_formats.rtf 33
- max_number_of_comp_units 28
- maximum_protected_entries 36
- maximum_select_alternatives 36
- maximum_subprogram_size 36
- maximum_task_entries 36
- maximum_unit_size 37
- mccabe_complexity_limit 37
- metrics collection 34
- metrics_collection_status 34
- metrics_explanations 35
- name_selection_limit 37
- named_loop_size 37
- naming_conventions 37
- package_nesting_limit 38
- prohibited_attributes 38
- prohibited_names 38
- ravenscar_enforcement 38
- report_formats.html 33
- report_formats.iaf 33
- report_formats.mif 32
- report_formats.rtf 34
- reserved_names 31
- return_type_limit 38
- rich text format 33
- rule_enforcement 32, 38
- rule_enforcement_interactive 38
- rule_explanations_and_titles 39
- spc_enforcement 39
- standards conformance 35
- subprogram_nesting_limit 39
- subtype_nesting_limit 39
- type_sizing 42
- type_sizing_name_map 43
- consistency
- lack of 68
- of Ada Analyzer configuration policy 85
- of comments 172
- of exception use 158
- of renames 200
- of representation specifications 130, 202, 307
- constraints
- missing in derived types 301
- reducing with type conversion 309
- static violations of 67, 130, 205, 307
- use of pragma Suppress 302
- context clauses
- alphabetic order 131, 317
- alphabetizing 338
- expanding multi-name 337
- multi-name 317
- repairing unused withs 338
- unused withs 234
- Contract Column operation 15
- Count_Lines_Of_Code 95
- counting
- Ada constructs 55, 93, 114
- Ada lines 55
- source lines of code 95
- coupling
- metrics 329
- Create_New_Configuration_Policy 96
- cross-reference
- Ada construct/locator command 271–278
- command-line summary 283
- commands for specific objectives 278–282
- customization 243
- adding new commands 259
- adding new metrics 255
- command-line parser 260
- compatibility checks 252
- creating separate metrics-collection commands 258
- help references 40
- linking main program 259
- of coding standard rules 243
- of commands 243
- of dialog boxes 201, 261
- of metrics 243
- of simple commands 244
- of user interface 259
- steps for custom checking rules 253, 255
- steps for document building 251
- steps for full locators 247
- steps for multiple-table locators 250
- steps for simple locators 245
- table explanation/title text 25
- templates 243
- data dictionary 49
- Collect_Metrics 87
- Display_Call_Tree 97
- Display_Unit_Declarations 116
- Locate_Exceptions 158
- Locate_Named_Declarations 178
- Locate_Objects_Set_And_Used 181
- Locate_Subprogram_References 211
- Locate_Tasking 227
- Locate_Type_Declarations 229
- see also naming
- database input
- column-delimited files 19, 242
- deallocation
- missing 302, 309
- declaration analysis
- Display_Unit_Declarations 116
- declarations
- expanding multi-name 337
- local, inappropriate 316
- moving and/or renaming 338
- multi-name 317
- names of 178
- of constants in dynamic scope 315
- overview 116
- redeclaration of Standard 312
- unused 231
- default initialization 312
- delay
- use of 302, 315
- with zero duration 313
- dependencies 53
- external 162
- object references 74
- of subprograms on variables 211
- on declarations 162
- on generic formals 75, 166
- reducing unit-level 234
- reduction of 72
- subsystem 53
- unit with closure 112
- unit withs 110
- unit-level 52
- derived types
- without constraints 315
- design structure 50
- Display_Expanded_Type_Structure 99
- Display_Inter_Subsystem_References 101
- Display_Subsystem_Import_Closure 113
- Display_With_Closure 112
- Locate_Exceptions 158
- Locate_Packages_With_State 191
- Locate_Similar_Record_Structures 199
- Locate_Subprogram_References 211
- Locate_Subprograms_Propagating_- Exceptions 210
- Locate_Subunit_Candidates 223
- Locate_Type_Declarations 229
- Locate_Unused_Declarations 231
- Locate_Unused_With_Clauses 234
- of generics 166
- restructuring 338
- development_libraries file 31
- dialog boxes
- check consistency 23
- command invocation 7
- create new configuration policy 7, 24
- customization of 261
- reformat report 16
- SaveAs 20
- differences
- report comparison 92
- Display_By_Unit 113
- Display_Call_Tree 97
- Display_Comparison 92
- Display_Expanded_Type_Structure 99
- Display_Set_Twice_Before_Use 103
- Display_Set_Use_Problems 106
- Display_Subprogram_Branch_Points 109
- Display_Subprogram_Execution_Problems 111
- Display_Subsystem_Import_Closure 113
- Display_Subsystem_Names switch 27
- Display_Unit_Construct_Counts 114
- Display_Unit_Names switch 27
- Display_Unit_Relationships 110
- Display_With_Closure 112
- divide by zero potential 130, 192, 307
- documentation
- online 21
- use of this guide iv
- documentation generation 80
- documents
- building with multiple hypertables 250
- duplicate unit names
- location of 133
- dynamic analysis 53, 103, 106, 109, 111
- efficiency analysis
- standards checking 311
- see also optimization
- elaboration
- function initialization of objects 130, 302, 308
- preelaboration status 153
- problem analysis 81, 153
- pure status 153
- required pragma elaborate 309
- Elide Column operation 15
- Elide Marked operation 17
- Elide Table operation 17
- Elide Unmarked operation 17
- eliding
- columns 15
- tables 17
- environment variables
- AA_HOME 1, 23
- as analysis switch values 30
- equality operators
- of real values 301, 308
- error logs 9
- error messages 9
- all tokens in use 11
- initializing analysis switches 30
- invalid pathname 9
- log summaries 28
- not registered 11
- registration expired 11
- storage limit reached 11
- subsystem input 10
- unexpected 10
- error-prone constructs 66
- aggregate others 310
- calls with defaults 192
- case literal ranges 310
- case when others 310
- non-static loop ranges 192
- non-static slice ranges 192
- Numeric_Error handlers 192
- others clauses 189, 302
- raise through Exception_Id 309
- System.Address 68, 225
- when others handler 310
- exceptions
- erroneous handlers 192
- handling Numeric_Error 303, 307
- making raises explicit 338
- nonvisible declarations 301, 314
- propagation of 210
- raised by Raise_Exception 309
- raising predefined 301, 314
- renames of 200
- simple raise 310
- use of when others 302, 309
- user-defined 316
- excluded_units file 41
- execution
- background 8
- of commands 2
- preset switch values 1
- visibility requirements 1
- execution analysis
- Display_Call_Tree 97
- Display_Subprogram_Branch_Points 109
- Locate_Calling_Relationships 121
- Locate_Calling_Thread_Sets_And_Uses 123
- Locate_Data_Synchronization_Points 150
- Locate_Elaboration_Impacts 153
- Locate_Objects_Set_And_Used 181
- Locate_Recursive_Subprograms 199
- execution paths
- number of 328
- execution speed, increasing
- see software optimization
- exits
- from while and for loops 314
- in while and for loops 302
- multiple from loop 314
- multiple in loops 302
- multiple in subprograms 302, 314
- non-use of exit when 315
- Expand Column operation 15
- Expand to Max operation 17
- Explain operation 13
- expanded interactive text 29
- file-based customization 29
- explanation text
- report table customization 25
- export
- of renamed declarations 131, 316
- use of exported renames 131, 316
- expression_depth_limit file 36
- expressions
- complexity of 315
- fully parenthesized 313
- locating 161
- parenthesized 301
- external interfaces
- use of 130, 133, 305
- file formats
- alternative 19, 241
- column-delimited 19
- FrameMaker 19
- HTML 20
- Interleaf 19
- marked rows as acceptable 19
- marked rows only 19
- Rich Text Format 19
- SaveAs operation 20
- unmarked rows only 19
- files
- configuration policy 21
- see also configuration policy files
- filtering report contents 237
- Fit to 80 Cols operation 17
- fixed-point types
- use of 315
- format
- of reports 16
- pathnames 27
- see also output format
- Format operation 16
- FrameMaker format 19, 32, 241
- Full_Pathname_Display_Option switch 27
- functions 314, 317
- missing returns 130, 192, 307
- returning large types 311
- returning unconstrained types 311
- Generate_Listing 114
- generics
- adding named association 337
- and reusability 63
- complex 164
- dependencies on formals 75, 166
- locating 50, 167
- missing named association 310
- gotos
- exceptions used as 130, 302, 314
- use of 302, 314
- guards 309
- customization 259
- use of 4
- see also dialog boxes, menus
- Halstead metrics 329
- hard copy
- listing generation command 114
- listings of Ada units 82
- help
- command-line option 3
- getting started 1
- online 21
- referencing in reports 40
- Help operation 21
- history name
- in report output 28
- host dependencies 62
- HTML Format 20, 32, 242
- hypertables
- column width 28
- eliding 26
- example output 12
- linkage 26
- multiple 250
- traversal connections 13
- traversal diagram 13
- use of 12
- use of definition with 13
- viewing 12
- if statements
- replaceable by case 130, 311
- Include_Line_Numbers switch 27
- Include_Program_Unit_Container switch 28
- Include_Table_Explanation_Text_In_Ascii_Output switch 21, 28
- Include_Unit_History switch 28
- Include_Unit_Version switch 27
- increasing code speed
- see software optimization
- inheritance
- depth of 329
- inlining
- analysis 73, 169
- correct order 130, 305
- installation 1
- interactive
- expanded explanations 29
- locating coding violations 130
- Interleaf format 19, 33, 242
- Interleaf_File_Suffix switch 28
- known_pragmas file 31
- length clauses
- missing 301
- use of 315
- licensing 11
- line counting 55, 95, 328
- line numbering 27
- linkage
- excluding 26
- hypertext 26
- including 92, 237
- to Ada code 13
- linking the Ada Analyzer 259
- listing_formats.html file 32
- listing_formats.iaf file 33
- listing_formats.mif file 32
- listing_formats.rtf file 33
- listings
- Ada code 82, 114
- for code review 49
- literals
- locating 161
- replacing with named numbers 337
- use of in nondeclarative part 301, 310
- Little Tree Consulting guidelines 306
- local declarations
- inappropriate 316
- Locate_Ada95_Coding_Violations 202
- Locate_Annotations 117
- Locate_Attributes 119
- Locate_Class_Hierarchies 125
- Locate_Coding_Violations 128
- Locate_Compatibility_Problems 133
- Locate_Complex_Expressions 146
- Locate_Constants 148
- Locate_Default_Initialization 152
- Locate_Elaboration_Impacts 153
- Locate_Elements_Containing_Text 156
- Locate_Exceptions 158
- Locate_Expensive_Types 159
- Locate_Expressions 161
- Locate_External_Dependencies 162
- Locate_Generic_Complexities 164
- Locate_Generic_Formal_Dependencies 166
- Locate_Generics 167
- Locate_Inline_Candidates 169
- Locate_Loop_Nesting 171
- Locate_Misspellings 172
- Locate_Name_Anomalies 175
- Locate_Named_Declarations 178
- Locate_Objects_By_Size 179
- Locate_Objects_Set_And_Used 181
- Locate_Obsolescent_Ada83_Features 183
- Locate_Operators 187
- Locate_Others_Clauses 189
- Locate_Packages_With_State 191
- Locate_Potential_Programming_Errors 192
- Locate_Pragmas 197
- Locate_Recursive_Subprograms 199
- Locate_Renames 200
- Locate_Rep_Spec_Inconsistencies 202
- Locate_Rep_Specs 204
- Locate_Short_Circuit_Operators 207
- Locate_Similar_Record_Structures 199
- Locate_Specific_Coding_Violations 201
- Locate_Statements 203
- Locate_Static_Constraint_Violations 205
- Locate_Subprogram_Complexities 208
- Locate_Subprogram_References 211
- Locate_Subunit_Candidates 223
- Locate_Suprograms_Propagating_Exceptions 210
- Locate_System_Address_Usage 225
- Locate_Tasking 227
- Locate_Type_Declarations 229
- Locate_Unused_Declarations 231
- Locate_Unused_With_Clauses 234
- Locate_Use_Clauses 236
- locating
- Ada constructs 50, 55
- aliasing 116
- allocators 161
- attributes 119
- concatenate operator 187
- declarations 50, 178
- divide by zero 192
- duplicate unit names 133
- exception propagation 210
- exceptions 50
- expressions 161
- generics 50, 167
- literals 161
- misspelled words 172
- object declarations 179
- operators 187, 207
- others clauses 189
- package variables 191
- packed types 159
- pragmas 197
- private types 229
- program state 191
- prohibited words 172
- prompts 133
- record types 199
- recursion 199
- renames 200
- rendezvous 227
- representation specifications 204
- slices 161
- statements 203
- task creation 153
- task types 229
- tasking 227
- tasks 50
- type declarations 229
- unconstrained types 159, 229
- unknown pragmas 133
- use clauses 236
- use of reserved names 133
- logging 9
- logical operators
- model numbers 309
- loops
- adding names 337
- LTC guidelines
- see Little Tree Consulting guidelines
- machine code inserts 303, 313
- main program
- relinking customizations 259
- main programs 259, 303
- with parameters 313
- maintainability
- standards checking 309
- Mark Accepted operation 18
- Marked_Rows_As_Acceptable format 18, 19
- Marked_Rows_Only format 18, 19
- Marked_Rows_Only switch 17
- marking
- report rows 17
- MarkRow operation 17
- Max_Column_Width switch 28
- Max_Number_Of_Compilation_Units switch 28
- maximum_protected_entries file 36
- maximum_select_alternatives file 36
- maximum_subprogram_size file 36
- maximum_task_entries file 36
- maximum_unit_size file 37
- McCabe complexity metric 208, 328
- OO class counting 329
- over threshold 130, 314
- mccabe_complexity_limit file 37
- menus
- command 4, 5
- customization of 264
- merging reports 18
- messages
- error 9
- warning 9
- see also error messages, warning messages
- methods
- counting metrics 329
- metrics
- adding new 255
- CMVC 329
- collection 56, 87
- comparison 91
- essential complexity 328
- Halstead 329
- library 328
- line counting 95
- module design complexity 328
- Object Oriented Programming 329
- separate collection 258
- subprogram 328
- subprograms 328
- metrics collection 56
- Collect_Metrics 87
- Compare_Metrics 91
- Count_Lines_Of_Code 95
- in uninstalled units 87
- metrics explanations file 35
- metrics_collection_status file 34
- misspelling 65
- of comments 58
- model numbers
- logical operators 309
- modular types 301
- name resolution
- declaration numbering 97
- overloading 97
- name_selection_limit file 37
- named_loop_size file 37
- names
- use of duplicates 305
- use of reserved 305
- naming
- conventions 57
- dot selection limit 313
- of declarations 178
- reducing use clause dependency 236
- selection 57
- standards validation 70
- naming conventions
- enforcement 37, 313
- naming_conventions file 37
- nesting
- of branches 208
- of expressions 146
- of generics 164
- of loops 171
- of packages 301, 316
- of statements 208
- of types 159
- of unnamed blocks 301
- of unnamed loops 301
- null statements 308
- objectives
- see quality-improvement objectives
- object-oriented programming 329
- depth of inheritance 329
- online analysis 47
- online help 21
- operands
- Halstead metric 329
- operators
- adding renaming declarations 338
- Halstead metric 329
- renaming errors 192
- replacing with short-circuit forms 337
- selection 78, 187, 207
- unsafe relational 192
- use of non-short-circuit forms 311
- use of not operator 301, 312
- optimization
- default initialization 312
- expensive constructs 76
- functions returning large types 311
- functions returning unconstrained types 311
- generics 75
- inlining 73
- loop nesting 78
- object initialization 78
- object references 74
- object size 75
- operator selection 78
- record structures 199
- redundancy 76
- target compiler dependencies 79
- use of Text_Io 79
- see also software optimization
- optimizing command execution 26
- options
- command-line 2, 283
- selecting Boolean 8
- switch 3
- others alternative
- expanding 337
- others handler
- in tasks 303, 309
- output
- creating in preset location 26
- hypertable reports 12
- include line numbers 27
- include unit names 27
- view relative 29
- see also reports
- output format
- name abbreviation 29
- overloading
- nickname numbers 27
- overview
- Ada Analyzer iii
- package variables
- locating 191
- package_nesting_limit file 38
- packages
- nesting limit 131, 316
- packed types 75, 159
- parameters
- adding named association 337
- adjusting in out modes 337
- command-line options 2
- in main programs 303
- missing mode 301
- mode 301
- named association 301, 310
- nonstandard 83
- use of default 301, 310
- partitioning analysis
- subprogram 60
- subsystem 53
- unit 60
- unit-level 52
- path analysis 103, 106
- number of subprogram paths 208
- PC file formats
- RTF 242
- performance
- Ada Analyzer 26
- placeholders
- null statements 81, 308
- prompts 305
- portability analysis 61
- host dependencies 62
- locating problems 133
- standards checking 313
- target-dependent constructs 61
- pragma Main
- on subprograms with parameters 313
- pragmas
- language defined 305
- use of Shared 315
- use of Suppress 308
- use of unknown 133, 305
- predefined types
- use of 133
- preelaborable units 153
- Print_Error_Summaries switch 28
- Print_Warning_Summaries switch 28
- printing
- FrameMaker file formats 241
- Interleaf file formats 242
- of reports 19
- RTF format 242
- priorities
- use of 315
- private parts
- pure 316
- private types
- limited
- not self-initializing 130, 308
- location of 229
- program structure 50
- Ada construct location 55
- Ada constructs counting 55
- dynamic analysis 53
- line counting 55
- standards checking 314, 317
- subsystem partitioning 53
- unit dependencies 52
- unit partitioning 52
- programming errors
- see code correctness
- prohibited_attributes file 38
- prohibited_names file 38
- project
- information generation 49
- Project_Software_Configuration switch 28
- prompts
- use of 133, 305
- protected types 309
- with blocking operations 192
- pure units 153
- quality-improvement objectives
- analyzing portability 61
- analyzing program content 50
- analyzing program structure 50
- analyzing readability 57
- analyzing reusability 61
- checking for programming errors 63
- checking standards conformance 69
- cross-referenced 278
- miscellaneous 79
- optimizing software 73
- overview 45
- reducing compilation time 71
- radixes
- use of nonstandard 314
- Ravenscar Tasking Profile rules 317
- ravenscar_enforcement file 38
- readability analysis 57
- Locate_Renames 200
- Locate_Subunit_Candidates 223
- Locate_Use_Clauses 236
- name selection 57
- program complexity 59
- standards checking 312
- unit/subprogram partitioning 60
- use of use clauses 58
- real-time systems
- Ada 95 Annex D restrictions 317
- Ada 95 Annex H restrictions 318
- Ravenscar Tasking Profile 317
- record components
- conflict with attribute names 308
- expansion of 99
- unused 231
- record rep specs
- use of 316
- recursion
- infinite 192
- locating subprogram 199
- recursive analysis
- of renaming declarations 200
- reducing compilation time
- dependency reduction 72
- redundancy analysis 72
- unused constructs 71, 231, 234
- use of use clauses 72
- redundancy analysis 72, 76
- of constant values 148
- of expressions 187
- of record types 199
- of type declarations 229
- references
- adding full qualification 338
- unqualified 313, 320
- registration
- expiration 11
- Release_Token 238
- Remove_Subsystem_SS_Suffix switch 28
- renames
- aliasing through 130, 312
- alphabetic order 131, 317
- inconsistent operator 308
- use of unapproved 312
- rendezvous
- locating 227
- rep specs
- see representation specifications
- Report Editor operations
- Contract Column 15
- Elide Column 15
- Elide Marked 17
- Elide Table 17
- Elide Unmarked 17
- Expand Column 15
- Expand to Max 17
- Fit to 80 Cols 17
- Format 16
- Mark Accepted 18
- Mark Row 17
- Save 17
- SaveAs 17
- Sort on Column 16
- Unelide Column 15
- Unelide Marked 17
- Unelide Table 17
- Unelide Unmarked 17
- Unmark Row 17
- report management
- Check_Reports_Up_To_Date 86
- Collect_Statistics 89
- Compare_Reports 92
- filtering contents 237
- incremental analysis with merge 237
- Merge_Reports 237
- merging reports 18
- Separate_Reports_By_Subsystem 239
- report table
- explanation customization file 40
- report_formats.html file 33
- report_formats.iaf file 33
- report_formats.mif file 32
- report_formats.rtf file 34
- reports
- acceptable entries 18
- acceptable row marking 19
- alternative file formats 19, 241
- avoiding overwrite 26
- changing background colors 265
- column sizing 16
- eliding/uneliding columns 15
- example output 12
- expanding/contracting columns 15
- filtering 237
- formatting 16
- image manipulation 14
- managing size 18
- naming 3, 8
- printing 19
- row marking 17, 19
- saving changes 17
- sorting 16
- sorting on columns 16
- viewing 26
- representation specifications
- consistency analysis 67, 202
- on derived types 313
- types with 159
- use of enumeration representation 315
- requirements
- annotation cross reference 117
- requirements completeness 308
- null statements 81
- reserved names
- use of 133
- reserved_names file 31
- restructuring code 338
- return_type_limit file 38
- reusability analysis 61
- Locate_Generics 167
- Locate_Packages_With_State 191
- unit reusability 62
- reverse engineering
- use of Ada Analyzer for 50
- Rich Text Format 19, 33, 242
- risky Ada constructs
- see error-prone constructs
- rule enforcement
- for Ada 95 rules 300
- for LTC rules 321
- for SPC rules 303, 321
- for target compatibility 306
- rule libraries
- Ada 95 299
- LTC guidelines 306
- Rational target compatibility 305
- Ravenscar Tasking Profile 317
- Software Productivity Consortium's guidelines 330
- SPARK Ada subset 319
- rule_enforcement file 32, 38
- rule_explanations_and_titles file 39
- safety and security
- Ada 95 Annex H restrictions 318
- sample output
- of Ada Analyzer commands 84
- Save operation 17
- SaveAs operation 17, 20
- Scripting
- command line invocations 265
- searching
- for elements containing text 156
- for text in reports 16
- select guards 309
- selective wait
- with else part 311
- Separate_Reports_By_Subsystem 239
- set/use analysis 64
- initialization 152
- of object declarations 181
- on calling thread 123
- optimization 103
- subprogram references 211
- use before set 106
- setting
- analysis switches 25
- output directory 26
- short-circuit operators 207
- side effects 314, 317
- in functions 131, 301, 314, 317
- size analysis
- of collections 204
- of objects 43, 75, 179
- of record components 99
- of tasks 204
- of units and subunits 223
- size calculation options 42, 75
- size reduction of code
- see software optimization
- slices
- locating 161
- SLOC counting 55, 95
- software complexity 59
- Locate_Complex_Expressions 146
- Locate_Generic_Complexities 164
- Locate_Subprogram_Complexities 208
- software content 50, 55
- Compare_Unit_Construct_Counts 93
- Display_Unit_Construct_Counts 114
- Generate_Listing 114
- Locate_Aliasing 116
- Locate_Annotations 117
- Locate_Attributes 119
- Locate_Constants 148
- Locate_Elements_Containing_Text 156
- Locate_Expressions 161
- Locate_Generics 167
- Locate_Named_Declarations 178
- Locate_Operators 187
- Locate_Pragmas 197
- Locate_Rep_Specs 204
- Locate_Statements 203
- Locate_Tasking 227
- Locate_Type_Declarations 229
- metrics collection 56
- software maintenance
- use of Ada Analyzer for 50
- software optimization
- Display_Set_Twice_Before_Use 103
- Locate_Default_Initialization 152
- Locate_Expensive_Types 159
- Locate_Generic_Formal_Dependencies 166
- Locate_Inline_Candidates 169
- Locate_Loop_Nesting 171
- Locate_Objects_By_Size 179
- Locate_Recursive_Subprograms 199
- Locate_Short_Circuit_Opportunities 207
- Locate_Unused_Declarations 231
- Locate_Unused_With_Clauses 234
- see also optimization 103
- software portability 61
- Locate_Compatibility_Problems 133
- Software Productivity Consortium guidelines 300, 330
- Sort on Column operation 16
- Sort_Ascending switch 28
- Sort_By_Subsystem option 3
- Sort_Case_Sensitive switch 28
- Sort_Order switch 29
- sorting
- ascending / descending 28
- case sensitivity 28
- on columns 16
- sort_by_subsystem option 3
- specifying sort order 29
- Source Lines of Code (SLOC) 328
- SPARK Ada subset 319
- see Software Productivity Consortium
- SPC guidelines
- see Software Productivity Consortium's guidelines
- spc_enforcement file 39
- spelling
- see misspelling
- spread sheets
- input format 20
- stack size
- missing specification 313
- standards checking
- code correctness 307
- coding rules 69
- efficiency 311
- maintainability 309
- portability 313
- program structure 314, 317
- readability 312
- standards conformance 69
- Ada 95 Annex D 317
- Ada 95 Annex H 318
- Locate_Ada95_Coding_Violations 202
- Locate_Coding_Violations 128
- Locate_Coding_Violations_Interactively 130
- Locate_Name_Anomalies 175
- Locate_Named_Declarations 178
- Locate_Obsolescent_Ada83_Features 183
- Locate_Specific_Coding_Violations 201
- rule enabling/disabling 38
- rule libraries 299
- SPARK Ada subset 319
- SPC guidelines 300
- statements
- locating 203
- statistics
- collection 89
- storage_error exception in logs 11
- structure
- see design structure, program structure, system structure, program structure
- subprogram 35
- access values 303, 309
- overload resolution 97
- partitioning analysis 60
- subprogram_nesting_limit file 39
- subprograms
- adding defaults parameters 337
- adding missing parameter modes 337
- branch points 109
- call tree 97
- calling relationships 121
- calls with defaults 192
- complexity 208, 328
- data reference 211
- exception propagation 210
- execution problems 64, 111
- functions without return 192
- inlining 169
- library-level 301, 316
- nesting limit 131, 315
- overloading 27
- overloading nicknames 27
- recursive 130, 199, 311
- size 317
- Subsystem_Name_Abbreviation_Policy switch 29
- Subsystem_Name_Minimum_Abbreviated_Length switch 29
- subsystems
- cross-subsystem references 101
- imports and consistency 113
- partitioning 53
- removal of .ss suffix 28
- sorting reports by 239
- subtype_nesting_limit file 39
- subtypes
- nesting limit 316
- without constraints 315
- subunits
- use of 301, 316
- summary editor 14
- switches 1
- Accept_Use_Defined_Arithmetic_Operators 25
- Accepted_Output_Directory 26
- Add_Hypertable_Linkage 26
- Add_Performance_Summary 26
- Add_Unit_Column_Linkage 26
- analysis 25
- Analysis_Output_Directory 26
- as command options 3
- Attempt_Analysis_Of_Uninstalled_Units 26
- Auto_Elide_Empty_Tables 26
- Auto_Incorporate_Accepted 26
- Auto_Visit_Report 26
- Check_For_Report_Overwrite 26
- Check_Units_For_Latest_Cmvc_Version 26
- Compute_Closure switch 8, 27
- Compute_Overload_Nicknames 27
- Display_Subsystem_Names 27
- Display_Unit_Names 27
- editing 30
- Full_Pathname_Display_Option 27
- Include_Line_Numbers 27
- Include_Program_Unit_Container 28
- Include_Table_Explanation_Text_In_Ascii_Out put 21, 28
- Include_Unit_History 28
- Include_Unit_Version 27
- Interleaf_File_Suffix 28
- Max_Column_Width 28
- Max_Number_Of_Compilation_Units 28
- Print_Error_Summaries 28
- Print_Warning_Summaries 28
- Project_Software_Configuration 28
- Remove_Subsystem_SS_Suffix 28
- Sort_Ascending 28
- Sort_Case_Sensitive 28
- Sort_Order 29
- Subsystem_Name_Abbreviation_Policy 29
- Subsystem_Name_Minimum_Abbreviated_- Length 29
- Unit_Name_Display_Option 29
- Use_Expanded_Interactive_Explanations 29
- Use_File_Based_Explain_Text 29
- Use_View_Relative_Output 29
- symbolic links 259
- synchronization
- of data 150
- system structure 50
- Display_Inter_Subsystem_References 101
- Display_Subsystem_Import_Closure 113
- Display_Unit_Relationships 110
- Locate_Class_Hierarchies 125
- Locate_Exceptions 158
- Locate_External_Dependencies 162
- Locate_Subprogram_References 211
- Locate_Subprograms_Propagating_- Exceptions 210
- Locate_Subunit_Candidates 223
- restructuring 338
- target compatibility
- with generics 164
- target dependencies 61, 79
- tasking analysis 227
- conditional entry calls 302
- creation 153
- dynamic allocation 302
- missing exception handler 302, 308
- missing stack size spec 313
- selective waits 302
- task types 229
- use of unreliable attributes 302, 308
- tasks
- dynamically allocated 131, 315
- others handler 303, 309
- use of 315
- visible declaration of 315
- without terminate alternative 315
- templates
- customization 243
- testing
- Ada Analyzer test programs 84
- path identification 80
- unit test development 109
- text files
- creating from reports 241
- Text_Io
- use of 130, 133, 311
- use of Form parameters 303, 313
- threshold options 2
- thresholds
- value selection 9
- title text
- file-based customization 29
- report table customization 25
- To_Report_Named option 3
- token management
- releasing 11
- tokens
- limit reached 11
- releasing 238
- trend analysis
- metrics comparison 91
- type conversion
- unnecessary 316
- type structure
- basis analysis 229
- class types 125
- expansion 99
- record types 199
- type_sizing_file 42
- type_sizing_name_map file 43
- types
- array with implicit index type 310
- class hierarchies 125
- expansion of composites 99
- structural analysis 99
- use of access types 311
- use of anonymous 301, 314
- use of predefined numeric 303, 305
- Unchecked_Conversion
- of unconstrained types 313
- size mismatch 130, 133, 305
- use of 302, 315
- Unchecked_Deallocation
- use of 302, 315
- unconstrained types
- locating 159, 229
- Unelide Column operation 15
- Unelide Marked operation 17
- Unelide Table operation 17
- Unelide Unmarked operation 17
- unexpected errors 10
- unit testing support 80
- Unit_Name_Display_Option switch 29
- units
- analysis of uncompiled 26
- size of 317
- command line syntax 83
- Unmarked_Rows_Only format 18, 19
- Unmarked_Rows_Only switch 17
- UnmarkRow operation 17
- Unqualified references 313, 320
- unused constructs 71
- Locate_Unused_Declarations 231
- Locate_Unused_With_Clauses 234
- usage scenarios iii
- use clauses
- locating 236
- removing 338
- use of unapproved 302, 312
- use of Ada Analyzer
- by designers iii
- by developers iv
- by managers iii
- Use_Configuration option 3
- Use_Expanded_Intereactive_Explanations switch 29
- Use_File_Based_Explain_Text switch 29
- Use_View_Relative_Output switch 29
- user interface
- customization 259
- User's Guide
- how to use iv
- validation
- of coding standards 49
- of report contents 86
- variables
- declaration of visible 314
- initialization 181
- package 191
- renames of 200
- synchronization of 150
- uninitialized 309
- use before set 106
- versions
- in report output 27
- visibility
- of exceptions 158
- to commands 1
- Visit operation 14
- Visit_Current_Configuration_Policy 240
- visiting reports
- automatic 26
- warning messages 9
- log summaries 28
- not an Ada unit 10
- not installed 10
- weighted average
- for metrics 87
- wildcard names 30
- Write_To_Ascii_File 241
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